Railroad Steel Bridge Design and Repair [B5]

Efficient constructability and future maintenance of steel bridges are important aspects for railroad bridge owners, for which a significant portion of their inventories are steel bridges. This session will focus on the constructability of new bridges and the maintenance and rehabilitation of existing bridges. The new AREMA/NSBA Steel Bridge Collaboration Constructability Guideline provides a supplementary resource for project teams that elaborates on the design, fabrication, and construction of steel railroad bridges. The Guide discusses alternatives such as cross section types, corrosion protection measures, and construction techniques to facilitate constructability of bridges. The second presentation shares a steel bridge rehabilitation and repair project that occurred while maintaining train traffic on the bridge, while extending the service life of the bridge for many years to come.

Source: NASCC
Year: 2023

Speaker(s): Jaclyn Whelan, PE, Lisa Hoekenga, SE, PE